What is the Meandering Sidewalk?

The meandering sidewalk is the wavy sidewalk that veers back and forth at the side of the road.  No matter how straight the street, the meandering sidewalk always wanders to and fro, never quite encroaching into a neighbor’s yard and never allowing the pedestrian to land a foot the gutter.  You will likely find the meandering sidewalk constructed in suburban neighborhoods where ample parkway exists for landscaping.   The community planner uses it to break up the monotonous alignments of city blocks.  At about 6 feet in width, a meandering sidewalk can handle a mom and a dad walking side-by-side with baby strollers.  Dual meandering sidewalks often straddle collector roads or greenways, allowing neighbors to amble and rove about their neighborhood.

Like the meandering sidewalk, I have wandered aside the straight and narrow path through life, fortunate to be protected by a master plan.  These stories I will tell here of family, friends, strangers, colleagues, inspirations, lost causes, past, present and future, I want to share with you.  At times, I have found myself struggling to avoid the gutter, but I have also had countless stoop talks away from the path at a neighbor’s door.  Let us try and take a walk along the meandering sidewalk, and perhaps we’ll find a place along the way to stop for awhile, chat and enjoy life.

This is sidewalk was built with a revolutionary non-meandering option.

Meandering sidewalks are implemented best where pedestrians are expected. Do you notice the truck dealership?

A true meandering sidewalk will allow you wander away from your neighborhood and ramble on like a hobo on an after dinner walk.

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